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Suicide is one of those subjects that many of us feel uncomfortable discussing. If you're the one feeling suicidal, you may be afraid that you'll be judged or labeled "crazy" if you open up. Or maybe that no one could possibly understand. It's not much easier for concerned friends and family members who may hesitate to speak up for fear that they're wrong or might say the wrong thing. 

The important thing to understand is that feeling suicidal is not a character defect; it only means that the person has more pain than they feel capable of coping with. But help is out there. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life. So don't wait: reach out.

Need Immediate Help? 

If you or a loved one are thinking about suicide right now, there are options for help. These options are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Call the Hopeline to talk to someone for help. 1-800-567-4673.

Call 988

Text 741741 to connect with someone for help.

Go to the We Care Crisis Center at 797 S. Main Street in Lima. 

Go to the Emergency Room of the nearest hospital.

Worried About Yourself or a Loved One?

Are you afraid that you or a loved one might be in a position to consider suicide? Have you not been feeling like yourself lately? Do you think you or a loved one might have a mental health condition?

Take a free, confidential mental health screening to assess your situation.

What are we doing locally to prevent suicide?

Teen Screen

Teenagers can take part in a computer based screening to assess for risk of suicide and other behavioral health concerns.


A suicide prevention program for schools that focuses on the identification of risk factors and warning signs of suicide in peers.

Mental Health First Aid

Program that teaches how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use.

School Navigators

Behavioral health professionals working in schools to identify and refer students who have behavioral health needs.

CISM Tragedy Response Team

A volunteer team of public safety and affiliate professionals serving fire, EMS, law enforcement, industry, education and other organizations involved in any type of critical incident.

Loss Team

Active Postvention Model that complements services provided at the scene of a suicide to support survivors and offer resources.

Youth Led Prevention

Youth formed coalitions engage peers, families, and local leaders to promote healthy behaviors, create healthy alternatives, and prevent alcohol & drug abuse, violence, and bullying under the guidance of adult certified prevention specialists.

Let's Talk

Provides realistic tips and hints for talking to kids about drugs, alcohol and suicide. Includes real world strategies presented in videos.

Support Groups

A variety of groups offered for those needing support with life events and behavioral health concerns.

If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.

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