Connecting Through Kindness Leads to Positive Mental Health
Connections with people are a major factor in happiness. Good relationships lower blood pressure and lead to a longer life. Our connections also provide support through hard times.
Kids need to connect with other kids, their families, teachers/mentors, and overall communities. One of the best ways to create a new connection with someone or grow connections is through kindness. Research shows that kindness is an antidote to loneliness and creates a sense of belonging. Kindness strengthens our relationships and develops our communities.
Kindness has its own benefits as well. Being kind has a positive impact on our physical and mental health. Acts of generosity boost happiness and well-being. It reduces stress, prevents shame and self-loathing, and can improve feelings of confidence and optimism. It also can lead to physical health benefits such as lower blood pressure. Kindness is the foundation of our individual and collective mental health.
No act of kindness is too small! Holding the door for a stranger, petting a dog, or bringing someone a snack has just as much of a positive impact, such as helping parents with cleaning or caring for someone in need.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 13-19, 2022. But you can organize or participate in acts of kindness anytime!
Here are some ways your child can participate in Acts of Kindness:
Join the school’s local Gatekeepers group. Many of our local Gatekeepers will be organizing acts of kindness in February. These are student-led groups focused on raising mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
Lead an Act of Kindness activity with friends. Kids can do an age-appropriate activity together to make it even more fun. Get friends together to make cards for nursing homes, decorate rocks with messages of love to leave around, read books to younger kids at a library, write encouragement notes to put in all students’ lockers, and more!
Ask a teacher to participate by hosting a classroom activity. Teachers already have a lot on their plate. Give them some ideas to help as an act of kindness.
Do something for neighbors, family, or friends outside of school. Encourage your student to think of ways to help a neighbor or family member. Shoveling snow, donating clothes or allowance to charity, spending time with grandparents, or helping a parent with chores are all great ways to show kindness outside of school.
There are many lists online with hundreds of acts of kindness as inspiration! You could look through them with your child and see which ones they would like to do. Get started here. Don’t forget to participate as well. Our youth learn from us. Parents and guardians can show kids how to be kind one act of kindness at a time.
Is your child interested in joining the Gatekeepers or starting one in their school? Learn more about the program from PASS at passaah.org.
Presentation and Q&A with Professor Kristin Henning
Author of Rage of Innocence: How America Criminalizes Black Youth
Friday, March 4, 2022
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Vibe Coffeehouse & Café
311 E Market St. Suite 107, Lima, OH 45801
Kristin Henning is the Blume Professor of Law and the Director of the Juvenile Justice Clinic & Initiative Georgetown Law. Join My Brother's Keeper Lima Chapter for her presentation, Q&A, and book signing. There is a 50 person limit for the event.
Event Contact:
Bradfield Community Center
COVID-19: To prevent the spread of Covid-19, we will be taking every precaution to maintain health and safety by sanitizing, maintaining social distancing, and requiring masks.
If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.