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What is I Mind?

I Mind is a voluntary one-day, 4-hour program. It gives adolescents tools to avoid substance use. I Mind also helps students return to school or after-school programs as quickly as possible after discipline measures.

When school Alcohol and Other Drug policies are violated, students are often excluded from school other activities for discipline. Youth need prevention programming to turn from potential substance use disorders.


I Mind



I Mind consists of evidence informed education and a substance use intervention assessment.

The program will cover prevention, a small group discussion, and intervention. Topics will include prevention on smoking, vaping, alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs. 


Each student will take a Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) as a tool in assessing substance use disorders. Parents will receive screening results at a later time after review. The school will not receive or have access to the screening results.

When does I Mind Meet?

4-Hour Classes - Offered Saturdays and Weekdays

New classes have been added for grades 7-8


Grades 9-12 Class: Schedule available at Registration Form

Grades 7-8 Class: Schedule available at Registration Form

SCHOOL - Reach out to parents & relevant MHRSB contact, receive certificate of completion


PARENT - Register & pay for program, receive intervention recommendations about your child’s assesment


STUDENT - Attend I Mind, give principal certificate of completion, meet with relevant MHRSB contact


  • I mind if you Juul.

  • I mind if you're falling behind in school.

  • I mind that you can't compete with us in the competition.

  • I mind that this is hurting your health.


• “Top 10 Myths About Alcohol & Drugs” Prevention Education

• Small Group Discussion on substance use stigmas

• Substance Use Disorder Interventions • Role play scenarioes and other

interactive learning techiniques
• Positive coping strategies for stress

and peer pressure


You can send your child to the I Mindprogram if you have concerns about substance use like vaping. Parents can register their children before any school policies are violated.


1) Go to Trainings at


2) Complete the I Mind form


3) Pay $25 registration fee* at Saturday program with cash or check

Make checks out to: MHRSB of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties


*Fee covers lunch, assessment screening, and other program costs

A confirmation email will be sent once the registration form is completed for the student. Please check your email (including spam folder) for additional program details and contact information.​

If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.

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