What is Mental Health First Aid?
Mental Health First Aid is an in-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis. Mental Health First Aid is offered as an 8 hour interactive course that presents an overview of mental illnesses and substance use disorders and introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems, builds understanding of their impact, and overviews common treatments.

If you’d like to arrange for your business, church, or organization to have a Mental Health First Aid Training, please contact Donna Dickman at PVFF 419 549 8530.
Why Should I Do It?
People are struggling and often are reluctant to seek help or don’t know where to turn for care and they wait until things get really bad. The signs and symptoms can be difficult to detect — even when friends and family of someone who appears to be developing a mental illness can tell that something is amiss, they may not know how to intervene or direct the person to proper treatment – which means that all too often, those in need of services do not get them until it is too late.
Hope and help are available. We just need the training and resources to be able to provide it. If we can do this early enough, we can spare people heartache and suffering, and connect them with the help and good health that they need and deserve.
Mental Health First Aid USA is listed in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. During the first year of MHFA in the U.S.,the National Council and its members successfully implemented the program in seven states nationwide – with plans for steady expansion. The National Council selected the program because of its rigorous research backing. Mental Health First Aid has strong evidence backing it. Three quantitative and one qualitative studies have shown that the program:
Improves people’s mental health
Increases understanding of mental health issues and treatments
Connects more people with care
Reduces stigma
Paid for by the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties, participating individuals are only required to cover the cost of training material.
Mental Health First Aid is an adult public education program designed to improve participants' knowledge and modify their attitudes and perceptions about mental health and related issues, including how to respond to individuals who are experiencing one or more acute mental health crises. Specifically, you will learn:
Risk factors and warning signs for a range of mental health problems
Prevalence of various mental health disorders and the need for reduced stigma
A 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources and knowledge to assess the situation and to help the individual in crisis connect with appropriate care
Evidence-based professional, peer, social, and self-help resources available to help someone with a mental health problem.
Mental Health First Aid includes two different courses adults may request to organize, or register to attend.
+ Friends & family of people with mental illness or addiction
+ General public
+ Primary care workers
+ School and college leadership
+ Faith communities
+ Professional associations
+ Parent organizations
+ Social & rotary clubs
+ Community leaders
+ Business community
+ Police officers and first-responders
If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.