Wings Support and Recovery in Kenton
Wings Support and Recovery drop-in center is at 111 East Columbus Street, Kenton, Ohio. The entrance is at the back of the building. Alongside Peer Support services, the drop-in center is a safe, positive, and welcoming environment for anyone in the community who would like to use it.
The drop-in center offers:
A living room-like area with a couch, chairs, and TV.
A shower, clean towels, and some personal hygiene/shower products.
A place to do laundry.
Fresh, hot lunches served Monday through Friday from 12 to 1 p.m. Coffee is available anytime. A monthly menu is posted in the drop-in center and on the Wings Facebook page.
Activities like board games, cards, puzzle books, supplies for arts and crafts, coloring books, and coloring supplies.
Various support groups and other kinds of groups covering different topics and activities. The calendar for the groups is also posted in the drop-in center and on the Wings Facebook page.
Along with all these services, there will always be someone to help find resources that may be needed throughout Hardin County (i.e., food pantries or clothing resources, places to apply for different needs).
The drop-in center is a place for any person in the community who needs any of these services or just a safe space. It is where you can find someone who will always help to the best of their ability. Learn more at
Please stop in and visit, or call Wings Support and Recovery with any questions at 419-767-2220.
Stress & Building Resilience
Some stress can be good for you. Being nervous before a football game can help you do your best. But chronic stress—when stress is ongoing—can be damaging. Chronic stress can suppress the immune system and even put us at risk for mental health disorders.
Signs of stress becoming unhealthy is when it negatively impacts day-to-day life. Not being able to relax is an early sign of unhealthy stress levels. With short-term stress, you’re able to relax and regroup afterward. Other signs of unhealthy stress are substance use, inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, an affected appetite, or withdrawal from friends & family.
74% of people report being unable to cope with the levels of stress in their lives. Within this group, 32% had thoughts of suicide. Young adults experience the most common causes of stress: the pressure to succeed and self-image. Both of these affect youth much more than established adults.
There are ways to help destress if you can’t calm down naturally. Try meditation, exercise like yoga or walking, breathing exercises, eating well, and sleeping recommended amounts.
Resilience—the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or stress—can be learned. Building resilience in your children can help them thrive even when experiencing high-stress levels or other life challenges like bullying.
Tips for Building Resilience in Youth:
Make connections. Teach your children to engage and connect with their peers. Help build a strong family network to support your kids.
Help your child by having them help others. Youth can feel empowered by helping others. Do volunteer work or help them find ways to support their classmates.
Maintain a daily routine. Routines provide structure and comfort to children, especially during distress or transition.
Take a break. Validate your child’s feelings but teach them how to focus on something they can control. Challenge unrealistic thinking. “What would you tell a friend with these worries?”
Teach your child self-care. Basic self-care—such as eating well, exercising, and sleeping well—is important. Help them make time for this as well as their favorite activities.
Find more tips on building resilience at
If you or your child shows signs of unhealthy chronic stress, get professional help. Find local mental health resources on our website or by calling 211.
If you or your child are in crisis, call the local 24/7 Hopeline at 1-800-567-HOPE (4673).
If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.