I Can See My Doctor on My iPad?
Just a little over a year ago the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board provided funding to Coleman Professional Services and Family Resource Centers in order to expand psychiatry in an innovative way. It’s called Video Psychiatry and as a result hundreds of people have been able to access essential treatment from a psychiatrist. Family Resource Center’s Dr. Hash convinced everyone that kids would be comfortable using an iPad and so he initiated a program where kids come to Family Resource Centers and interact with their psychiatrist via iPad. We were skeptical. Parents were skeptical. Kids loved it! The technology not only made the psychiatrist more easily accessible but it also made the kids more comfortable and this is what it is all about. Plans are underway now to expand the reach of this iPad psychiatry to all of Family Resource Center’s sites. One day this technology that seems so daring and innovative will become the normal way that we save lives and help kids and families grow strong. We need your help to make sure these resources remain available to everyone. Vote for Mental Health and Recovery Services on May 6th.