Suicide is one of those subjects that many of us feel uncomfortable discussing. If you're the one feeling suicidal, you may be afraid that you'll be judged or labeled "crazy" if you open up. Or maybe that no one could possibly understand. It's not much easier for concerned friends and family members who may hesitate to speak up for fear that they're wrong or might say the wrong thing.
The important thing to understand is that feeling suicidal is not a character defect; it only means that the person has more pain than they feel capable of coping with. But help is out there. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life. So don't wait: reach out.
Need Immediate Help?
If you or a loved one are thinking about suicide right now, there are options for help. These options are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1) Call the Hopeline to talk to someone FOR HELP. 1-800-567-4673
2) Text 741 741 to connect with someone for help.
3) Go to the we care crisis center at 797 S. Main St. in Lima.
4) Go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.
Worried About Yourself or a Loved One?
Are you afraid that you or a loved one might be in a position to consider suicide? Have you not been feeling like yourself lately? Do you think you or a loved one might have a mental health condition?
1) Take a free, confidential MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING TO assess your situation.
2) Help is available by contacting any of the following agencies:
The Crisis Center brings together all of the services needed to provide quality crisis intervention services in a "one-stop" environment. If you or someone you know is in crisis, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-567-4673, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The mission of Family Resource Center is to provide specialized behavioral health services to individuals, children and families in our multi-cultural communities in order to strengthen family life and promote personal growth.
Coleman Health Services of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin counties (AAH) provides behavioral health services to adults. Our experienced and licensed staff serves individuals who are in a crisis, seeking assistance for an emotional or behavioral problem, have severe and persistent mental illness, and/or have substance abuse issues.
Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) of America is a leading national nonprofit organization providing a full continuum of services for youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
UMADAOP believes that substance abuse is best treated and prevented when the cultural dynamics of a group are addressed and included in the process of treatment, recovery and education.
PASS (Prevention Awareness Support Services) is a non-profit organization serving Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties. PASS (formerly PVFF) was created in 2001 through a grant from the Anthem Foundation of Ohio.
NAMI Hope Alliance's objective is to help other families cope and better understand mental health issues. We are family members with a loved one that has a mental illness. We understand the daily struggles.
Experiencing the loss of a loved one?
The pain of losing a loved on to suicide may not be easy to deal with, but there are others who have experienced the same loss. If you are looking for help with grief or just want to get involved to prevent future suicides, here are some resources.
1) GRASSP is a support group for family and friends who have lost loved ones to suicide
GRASSP (Grief, Resiliency, and Surviving Suicides’ Pain) - Family and friends who have lost loved ones to suicide.
2nd Tuesday of the Month 6:30pm - 8:00pm PASS, 309 W. High Street Suite A, Lima
2nd Monday of the Month 5:30pm – 7:00pm We Care Center, 775 E. Eliza St., Kenton
1st Tuesday of the Month 6:30pm-8:00pm St. Paul UCC, 101 Perry St., Wapakoneta, (Mechanic St. Entrance)
2) The Hopeline is not just for crisis situations. If you need help with the loss of a loved one, call 24/7 for assistance and to learn more about local resources.
4) Get involved. Help others learn from your experience and guide them. Help prevent future suicides. The following programs are available for you to join in and help out:
Each of our three counties has a suicide coalition that organize events and programs to help reduce the number of suicides.
Mental Health First Aid is a training program for anyone to learn more about helping a person that might be dealing with a mental health crisis.
CISM is a team of individuals that assist with the immediate needs of students, parents, and others after a tragedy - especially a suicide.
The LOSS Team is a group of individuals that go to the scenes of suicides to give hope to the newly bereaved and help them move forward.
Join others that share a similar experience to help all involved find healing and hope. Your story may help another person continue on.
3) Text 741 741 to connect with someone that can help you through this difficult time
What are we doing locally to prevent suicide?
Teenagers can take part in a computer based screening to assess for risk of suicide and other behavioral health concerns.
A suicide prevention program for schools that focuses on the identification of risk factors and warning signs of suicide in peers.
Program that teaches how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use.
Behavioral health professionals working in schools to identify and refer students who have behavioral health needs.
A volunteer team of public safety and affiliate professionals serving fire, EMS, law enforcement, industry, education and other organizations involved in any type of critical incident.
Active Postvention Model that complements services provided at the scene of a suicide to support survivors and offer resources.
Youth formed coalitions engage peers, families, and local leaders to promote healthy behaviors, create healthy alternatives, and prevent alcohol & drug abuse, violence, and bullying under the guidance of adult certified prevention specialists.
Provides realistic tips and hints for talking to kids about drugs, alcohol and suicide. Includes real world strategies presented in videos.
A variety of groups offered for those needing support with life events and behavioral health concerns.
Walk-in access to care is available at Coleman, SAFY and FRC.
If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.
If you are in crisis call 1-800-567-HOPE (4673) or text 741 741.